who are we ?

We are a community of women owned business in health + wellness. Dreamers + Action takers who believe in what is possible and go make in happen and who believe everybody else can too. This community knows the strength of building each other up, and that we are stronger when the people around us are stronger too.

You all help me see that thinking big is realistic and together we can connect + showcase + soar

view our work

our Approach

We’re harnessing our brands, our people and our strategic partners to create lasting positive impact. We aggressively promote online the accelerated advancement of women owned business in healthcare & services. Along the way, we also call out success where we see it, individuals and businesses who embraced positive change.

our Mission

To empower and support women owned businesses in healthcare & services. by elevating their online presence, connect & network and transform our communities.

our Vision

To help women owned business in healthcare & services to succeed by strengthening and amplifying their voices. A world where women-owned businesses are the economic engine that powers our world. 

Get Started

By telling your story we introduce you and your business to people who prefer to shop local and/or online.

let’s Work together

what we do


If you want to build your network, grow your business and be part of a vibrant and proactive community of dynamic women owned business in health + wellness you’ve come to the right place. Make meaningful connections with women who understand the challenges you’re facing and share your aspirations.


If you want to get your business noticed, attract new customers and to be a market leader we will help you to get there. By women owned Business Directory helps you promote your own business and source products and services from a trusted network of female entrepreneurs.


We are a thriving community of empowered women in health + wellness who share your aspirations, cheer your wins and look out for each other. We bring the support, the experience and the community so that both you and your business can soar higher! Together WE can DO BIG THINGs!

let’s Work together

Get Started

By telling your story we introduce you and your business to people who prefer to shop local and/or online.

why work with us?

At By Women Owned Business, we are all about connecting, showcasing and empowering women in Health + Wellness to shine a light on the contribution, achievements and innovation — thru our podcast, blog posts, directory listing, advise hub and more. We believe that if you have a passion, you have the ability to turn that passion into a business doing what you love.

We see inspiring stories and heroes everywhere. In our communities, small businesses, healthcare industry, volunteers and beyond. Every piece of the journey is about empowering you, to create an empowered movement of women owned businesses in health + wellness lifting each other up and Soaring Higher Together!

view our work

frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to join our network ?

To provide the best value to you and our customers, we highly recommend a woman-identifying entrepreneur in the health + wellness join our network.! Please see more details here 

Which Countries are you present in ?

Currently we operate in US & Australia; we intent to cover the UK, Canada & New Zealand

How long does my membership last & How does it renew?

Your membership will be up for 12 months from when you sign up.

ALL MEMBERSHIPS AUTO-RENEW upon your anniversary date. While you will receive reminders, we recommend you also pop it in your calendar. 

For Annual Upfront Memberships:

You will then receive a reminder a  week before it is due for renewal. If you have a credit card setup that is current, this will happen automatically.

For Monthly Memberships:

Your membership is monthly, pay as you go. Your directory listing remains active as long as your membership payments are up to date. Your membership renews on the 1st of each month.

Membership prices are subject to change. And you will be advised accordingly of any increases.

Do you offer a member-get-member program ?

Yes we do!  The person recommending gets a $100 Amazon gift card. The person joining gets a $50 Gift Card. If you would actively actively be involved we strongly encourage you to please check out our She Collective Affiliate Program. You have the potential to make thousands of dollars every month in true passive income.

Are my membership fees a Tax Deduction?

Yes they are! It is suggested you include your fees as an Advertising Expense. Please consult your Tax Consultant on this.

Can I upgrade my membership?

Yes! You can upgrade anytime. The amount charged is pro-rata based on the length of time left on your membership.